GLANK is a percussion performance art ensemble in New York City that has performed at La Mama, the Queens Maker Faire, and Roulette Brooklyn; engaging audiences to participate and become a part of the show.
GLANK plays on found object / recycled percussion instruments that include tuned propane tanks, saw blades, artillery shells, motorcycle gears and much more.
GLANK is a 'morphable' ensemble of 3-9 anonymous players, and is comfortable in a multitude of performance environments, both large and small: indoors, outdoors, art galleries, private functions, and music festivals.​
GLANK utilizes multi-media elements, and magnetic, audience interaction that grooves.
​GLANK puts the audience IN the show through various forms of audience participation: Anonymous wardrobe (lab coats and masks), playing instruments, and even instrument "lessons" on found object shakers.
​GLANK hijacks your inhibitions.
​GLANK performs exciting, rhythmic music on unique "found-object" percussion instruments, and engages the audience: they play instruments, wear anonymous lab coats and masks, and become part of the performance. All shows are family-friendly for ages 8 and up and contain multi-media elements. It is a collective of musicians throughout NYC - wearing anonymous "clean room suits", giving the performance a scientific feel.

​GLANK music styles are influence by minimalism, electronica, industrial, ska, acoustic/rhythmic grooves, found sounds, and drum corps. Multi-media elements include spoken word, vintage film projection and lighting effects.

Composer/instrument builder Paul Rudolph founded GLANK in 2002 in Los Angeles. The group has played over 45 specialized performances; each unique to the venue and audience. ​Recent Los Angeles performances: Farmlab, Santa Monica Festival, MotoArt, Eagle Rock Music Festival, KTLA's Kids Day LA, and numerous arts and school functions. New York performances: La Mama, Roulette Brooklyn, The Secret Theatre, Madison Square Park (Earth Day), Newark Museum, Queens Maker Faire 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2016: GLANK received 3 Editor's Choice awards from the Maker Faire Director Sherry Huss and an Eductator's Choice award in 2013, plus 4 more Editor's Choice awards in 2016.

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